The table below contains the requirements of your game server binary for integrating with the Multiplay orchestration platform. If you have questions regarding specific requirements or exceptions, contact our Customer Success team.
Operating System |
We officially support Windows Server 2012 R2, Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04. |
It is possible to use other operating systems, as long as you use our infrastructure exclusively. |
Multiple Instances |
Your binary process must support multi-tenancy. It must have support for multiple running instances of the process. |
No exceptions |
Bindable Port |
Clanforge generates port numbers dynamically per server instance (with an offset). To leverage this functionality, your server instance must support configurable ports (e.g., accept the port number via a command-line argument). We recommend using a command-line parameter such as |
No exceptions |
Bindable IP Address (Unreal Engine) |
If you’re developing with Unreal Engine, you must implement a method to allow Multiplay to bind the IP address, unless your server binds to We recommend using a command-line parameter such as |
The bindable IP address requirement only applies if you’re using Unreal Engine and not binding to |
Logs Directory |
Your server should generate logs in a directory relative to the server instance root directory (i.e., where the executable is). If you’re using Unreal Engine, the logs directory should be relative to the Saved directory. We will expose files generated in this directory on your Clanforge panel for each server instance. We recommend using a command-line parameter such as |
You can omit the logs directory requirement if you don’t plan on accessing your server logs or crash dumps. |
Query Protocol |
Clanforge supports game server query protocols to collect analytic data on your game servers. Leveraging query port functionality enables us to provide you with real-time analytics and to better support your game. We recommend implementing specifying the query port via a command-line argument. |
You can omit the query protocol requirement if you opt to use our unmanaged services or if you don’t want our support team to monitor your game. |
Configuration Directory |
If your game server accepts additional configuration options through a configuration file, you must supply us with a way to dynamically change where your server looks for this file. We recommend using a command-line parameter such as |
The configuration directory requirement only applies if your server looks for additional arguments in a configuration file. |
server.json |
To use the allocation system, you must enable a command-line argument for specifying a file that contains the allocation UUID (supplied by your matchmaker). We recommend using a command-line parameter such as |
You can omit the server.json requirement if you opt to use our unmanaged services. |