- I have made an asset to submit to the Asset Store and I have used a Unity Starter asset within this.
- My asset/project uses Unity Starter assets. I would like to know if I am breaking the Asset Store Provider Agreement by doing this.
Unity Starter assets are intended for educational purposes while you are learning to use Unity and as such, must be used in this way. You are allowed to use Unity Starter assets within your own games and projects, or use the Starter assets in your Asset Store package for demonstration purposes only.
The Submission guidelines indicated the following in regards to Unity Starter assets:
1.1.j Submissions to the 3D, 2D, VFX, Animation, and Template categories include demo scenes. Tool submissions that manipulate external assets (e.g. audio files, texture files, mesh files) include sample assets. These assets may be incorporated into submitted products for demonstration purposes.
It is important to note that you are not allowed to redistribute any Unity Starter assets as an asset
package, or as an asset package with little changes made. You cannot resell it or identical duplicate it. These assets are still under the Asset Store EULA which means you cannot redistribute on your own or another website.
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