- I want to cancel my Muse trial subscription.
- I do not want to pay for the Muse subscription.
- Do I need to turn off the auto-renew for my Muse trial?
You may want to cancel your Unity Muse trial subscription before it converts to a paid subscription.
From the middle of March 2024, the Unity Muse trial expires automatically at the end of the trial period without renewal. Therefore, it is not required to cancel the Unity Muse trial or turn off the auto-renew.
When you sign up for the Muse trial, Unity sends you an email (Subject: Thank you for starting your Unity Muse free trial) to confirm the start of your Unity Muse trial.
You will also receive an email notification 3 days before the Unity Muse trial expires. (Subject: Your Unity Muse free trial expires in 3 days.)
If you would like to continue subscribing to Unity Muse, you can start your monthly paid subscription here.