This is a very rare issue that appears to happen when you're using a computer with hybrid graphics.
First, right-click on the desktop and go to the Nvidia Control Panel. This can also be accessed by searching for it in the Windows Start menu and by its default install location is "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Control Panel Client\nvcplui.exe"
Secondly, under "Select a Task...", expand "3D Settings", then select "Manage 3D settings"
Next, on the right-hand side of the window, under "I would like to use the following 3D settings:", go to the "Program Settings" tab and "Select a program to customize:". Add parsec.exe and/or parsecd.exe from wherever it was installed if it's not already on the list. Under "Select a preferred graphics processor for this program:" (This section won't show up on some devices, like ones with a single usable display device), change which graphics device Parsec will use. Other settings under "Specify settings for this program" may see results as well.
Restart your computer when you're done.