- What is Help Center?
- In Helpshift, is a web support portal the same thing as Help Center?
- How should I organize my Help Center?
- Can I embed support content within my game or app?
- Can I show my player-support content on any website?
- Can I have a searchable knowledge base?
- Where should I publish technical documentation and FAQs?
- Can QuickSearch Bot deflect technical support cases with content from experts?
- Can Helpshift refer players automatically to articles that answer their questions?
- Can I embed a player support chat widget into any webpage?
- Can my web support portal show a Contact Us button?
Help Center is your fully searchable publishing destination for any technical documentation or reference material that supports your game’s players.
You can publish many types of support content to your Help Center, including:
- Articles and FAQs — as written in Helpshift itself, or via import
- Screenshots, diagrams, and technical illustrations — via direct upload, links, or embedded SlideShare widgets
- Podcasts or other audio — via links to them on your preferred podcast hosting platform or in embedded playback widgets from YouTube or Vimeo
- Video — via embedded playback widgets from YouTube or Vimeo
- Any other useful content — via links to files that are hosted elsewhere
Back-end, knowledge base features for Help Center include basic tools for content authoring and organization, content import and export, translation management, content lifecycle management, and search engine optimization.
You can subdivide your Help Center content into tightly focused sections, using any information pattern that suits your purpose.
There is more than one context where your players might access published Help Center content.
- The main Help Center experience is the “in-game” one, after you integrate and activate Helpshift inside your Unity Project. Players can learn from any content in your Help Center without ever leaving your mobile app.
- You can also enable a feature that causes your Helpshift instance to serve Help Center content to any visitor. Enabling this feature gives you a public “web support portal.”
- Your Helpshift-powered web support portal is a public-facing UI where anyone can search for and browse through the support content in all of your Help Centers.
- Many web support portals also feature an embedded contact us form and an embedded web chat widget.
- In addition to the SDK-driven “in-game” experience and the “web support portal” experience, you can also use HTML iframe embed code to show your Help Center and its content on any web page.
Help Center can store multiple translations of any article or FAQ, and present the right translation to the right audience, automatically.
- You can add, change, and remove supported languages at any time.
- You can add, edit, activate, or deactivate any translation of any Help Center content at any time.
- The default language for Help Center articles and other assets is English. When an article’s translation is not available in a player’s own language, Help Center shows them the English-language version, instead.
QuickSearch Bot replies automatically in chat to any new issue, suggesting and linking to as many as three closely related Help Center articles.
- To make these suggestions, QuickSearch Bot parses each player’s first in-app or web chat statement about the issue, comparing this statement to Help Center articles, translations, and search terms.
- QuickSearch Bot identifies a player’s written language accurately across the world’s 20 most prevalent languages.
- It gleans the player’s general reason for requesting help, with a level of accuracy that you can improve by publishing higher-quality articles with higher quality search terms.
- QuickSearch Bot locates relevant articles in your Help Center, supposing that any relevant articles are available, which also have thoughtfully defined search terms.
What is a web support portal?
In Helpshift, a web support portal is a single public showcase that consolidates the Help Centers for all of your games. This portal may also consolidate the Contact Us forms for each of your games, and the web chat widgets for each of your games.
Here, your players can read all of your documentation, contact you, create issues, chat with your customer service agents, and chat with your conversational bots — not for one game, but for them all.
One Helpshift instance can host only one web support portal.
What is Help Center?
There is a 1:1 relationship between a game and its Help Center.
Help Center is where your players can search for and browse the knowledge base articles, FAQs, illustrations, diagrams, podcasts, videos, and any other media that you prepare and publish to support the players of one, specific game.
Here, your players can read all of your documentation, contact you, create issues, chat with your customer service agents, and chat with your conversational bots — regarding one game specifically.
One Helpshift instance can host discrete Help Centers for as many different games as you may release.
Consider how to organize your Help Center
Thoughtful organization of the articles in your Help Center can make it easier for your players and other users to educate themselves and solve their own problems proactively.
Even before you release a game, you can probably anticipate at a high level the types of concerns that your players and would-be players may raise. For example:
ACCESS — account activation and cancelation, login credentials, advancing between game levels, unfreezing a locked account, saving games, reloading saved games.
HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE — supported GPUs, supported platforms, minimum requirements, peripheral devices, network connection speed.
MONEY — pricing, payments, payment methods, billing cycles, renewals, credits, refunds
IN-WORLD GAMEPLAY — concepts, rules, cheat codes, characters, beasts, settings, alliances, conflicts, attributes, power, wealth, prestige, influence, reputations, in-game physics, legends, spells and charms, tools, weapons, rewards, punishments.
Each game is unique, but its distinctiveness shouldn’t prevent you from sorting your Help Center content into high-level sections. Sections are an organizational convenience and a navigational aid, nudging your players toward whatever information may be most meaningful to them in the moment.
Prepare sections for your Help Center
- Log in to your Helpshift instance as its administrator.
- On the Helpshift toolbar, click FAQs ().
The untitled FAQs and FAQ Sections page opens.
3. (Conditional) You may have set up more than one container app on your Helpshift instance. In this case, do the following.
a. Find the container app selector at the top of the navigation pane, and then click it to show its options.
b. From the selector, choose the container app to associate with this Help Center as you prepare its sections.
4. Directly under the selector, still in the navigation pane, click + NEW SECTION.
The Create New Section dialog box opens.
5. Enter a section title.
- For the title’s main instance, we expect that the language is English.
- For each other instance, we prompt you to enter the title’s translation into a language that your app is configured to support.
Helpshift, Inc., is not a translation services provider.
We intend that the described features and their associated UI elements are for your use, at your sole discretion, according to your business strategy and resources.
You or another administrator for your Helpshift server instance specified which languages the selected container app supports, and you can change its language support settings at any time.
a. On the Helpshift toolbar, click Settings ()
b. In the navigation panel, scroll to the APP SETTINGS area, and then click the name of the container app whose Help Center you are building.
c. Find the Supported Languages tile. Then, do either or both of the following.
6. Click SAVE.
7. Repeat Steps 4 and 5, as many times as needed, until you have prepared all of the top-level sections for your Help Center, redundantly across each of its supported languages.
Develop articles and FAQs for your Help Center
You can prepare Help Center sections and develop Help Center articles or FAQs in any order, at any time. In addition, you can move your content from one Help Center section to another as you see fit.
- Log in to your Helpshift instance as its administrator.
- On the Helpshift toolbar, click FAQs ().
The unlabeled FAQs and FAQ Sections page opens.
3. (Optional) In the navigation pane, click the name of whichever section should contain your new article.
Alternatively, you can wait before assigning the new article to any section. In this case, we sort the new article automatically into the General section, which we prepared for you, on your behalf, for exactly this reason.
4. Click + NEW FAQ.
The New FAQ dialog box opens.
5. In the New FAQ dialog box, do the following:
a. In the Question field, enter a title for the new article.
b. In the Answer text box, enter the article text.
c. In the Search Terms field, enter the same search terms that you expect game players would use while searching for the kind of information that your new article presents.
Helpshift considers these search terms when it weighs which articles match best against a player’s search query. In addition, QuickSearch Bot compares these terms to a player’s first message in any new support conversation, replying with the links to as many as three published articles that come closest to the player’s own description of why they requested your help.
Regarding the default version’s article title:
Regarding the default version’s article text:
6. (Optional) To format the article, add hyperlinks to it, or embed images or video in it, use the tool bar at the top of the Answer text box.
7. To save your work on the English language version of this new article — although you can always return to it in the future and revise it any number of times — click SAVE.
You may notice that the New FAQ dialog box does not close automatically when you click SAVE. Although you prepared the new article’s first version, in English, you have not yet activated or published it. Also, you have not yet entered any translations for it.
Taken together, all of this means that your Help Center has nothing yet that it can show.
8. Make the English-language version of your article visible in Help Center.
a. To activate the English language version, click the English toggle.
The English version of your article is active only while its toggle color is green. (The equivalent is true for each of your article’s translations.)
b. To publish your article, click the Publish FAQ toggle.
The article is available to the general public from your Help Center only while its Publish FAQ toggle color is green.
Before you use the Publish FAQ toggle for an article, we recommend that you activate at least one of the translations, such as the version of it that is written in English.
Unless at least one version of the article is active, publishing it does not have any practical effect.
The title is now changed for the dialog box that was formerly entitled New FAQ.
Its new title matches the text string that you entered in the Question field for the English-language version of your article.
9. Start managing your article’s translations into other languages than English.
a. Find the NOT TRANSLATED area In the far-left column.
b. Click the name of — not the toggle for — any language that is cited in the NOT TRANSLATED area.
The dialog box is refreshed. It now shows a form where you can enter a translation for your article. For example, if the language name that you clicked was Chinese (Simplified), then this form is the one in which to enter your article title, article text, and search terms for players who read and write Simplified Chinese.
c. Enter the appropriately translated article title, article text, and search terms.
d. Click SAVE.
Helpshift moves the language name from the NOT TRANSLATED area to the TRANSLATIONS area.
10. Repeat Step 9 as many times as are needed, until translations for your article are ready in each of your game’s supported languages.
11. To activate any or all of your newly entered translations, click their associated toggles.
A translation is active only while its toggle color is green.
Customize web support portal appearance and behaviors
- Log in to your Helpshift instance as its administrator.
- On the Helpshift toolbar, click Settings ().
- In the navigation pane, scroll to the SUPPORT SETTINGS area, and then click Web Support Portal.
The Web Support Portal page opens.
4. (Optional) Use elements on the Web Support Portal page to do any or all of the following:
- Customize select CSS values and settings, including:
*Font styles, sizes, and colors.
*Page section styles, sizes, and colors.
*Left-to-right or right-to-left language display.
*Logo use.
*Presence and design of a Contact Us button and form.
*Responsive design.
- Enter your company or studio brand name.
- Reorder options in the Platforms list
- Reorder — or hide — options in the Apps list
- Configure Helpshift behaviors after someone uses your Contact Us form to create issues
Any changes that you make are saved automatically.
Embed the web chat widget
- Log in to your Helpshift instance as its administrator.
- On the Helpshift toolbar, click Settings ().
- At the very top of the navigation pane, click SDKs (for Developers).
The Initializing Helpshift page opens.
4. On the Initializing Helpshift page, from the Select App list, choose the container app whose set of player support channels should be broadened to include web chat.
5. In the Web Chat table’s Embed Code row, to select the displayed JavaScript code in its entirety, double-click it.
Then, press Ctrl-C (or Cmd-C in MacOS) to copy the script.
6. Embed the widget in whichever web page should include it.
a. Log in to your content management system or web site as its administrator.
b. Navigate to the target page, and then open its HTML source for editing.
Alternatively, your technology stack might enforce some other workflow to access and edit the HTML source for any given page. The important thing here is that you be able to:
- *Find the raw HTML code.
- *Edit it.
- *Save your changes.
- *Test the outcome.
- *Re-publish the page.
c. In the HTML <head> section, paste in the JavaScript embed code that you copied from your Helpshift instance.
7. Save your changes, test that the widget runs as expected, and then republish the page to its web host.
The page that you edited now features a web chat widget for the container app that you specified.
Set up QuickSearch Bot for an app
Although QuickSearch Bot supports both the in-app support experience and the web chat support experience, you must enable these experiences separately and for one app at a time.
- Log in to your Helpshift instance as its administrator.
- On the Helpshift toolbar, click Settings ().
- In the navigation pane, scroll to the APP SETTINGS area, and then click the name of your container app.
The App Settings page opens.
4. Enable QuickSearch Bot to support your players from within your game.
a. In the Supported Platforms area, find the iOS/Android tile.
b. On the tile, click CONFIGURE.
c. Find and click the QSB toggle. Then, click SAVE & PUBLISH.
d. In the breadcrumb, click Back to App Settings.
5. Enable QuickSearch Bot to support your players through web chat.
a. In the Supported Platforms area, find the Web Chat tile.
b. On the tile, click CONFIGURE.
c. Find and click the QSB toggle. Then, click SAVE & PUBLISH.
QuickSearch Bot can now support your players in web chat.
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