When joining a channel, some users might encounter the error m_AudioClient->Initialize()
failed with the result The parameter is incorrect
. When this failure occurs, vxa_capture_device_open
and VivoxClient::VoiceProcessor::OpenAudioUnit
also fail.
The full error sequence is similar to the following code snippet:
ERROR: check_hresult(38), m_AudioClient->Initialize() failed: hResult=-2147024809,hResultToString(hResult).c_str()=The parameter is incorrect.
ERROR: VivoxMediaVxa::VxaCaptureDevice::Open(102), vxa_capture_device_open failed: status=1
ERROR: VivoxClient::VoiceProcessor::OpenAudioUnit(855), OpenAudioUnit() failed this=0x2a75d220080,captureDeviceId=DeviceId m_displayName='Microphone (High Definition Audio Device)' m_internalName='{}.{9111a9f8-685d-4f5e-a22a-72373eb51a14}',renderDeviceId=DeviceId m_displayName='????????? (High Definition Audio Device)' m_internalName='{}.{166a988b-c1c6-4dbb-9c41-384794753187}',vr=5021
Vivox has found that Kaspersky Antivirus can interfere with the Vivox audio RTP stream. When joining the audio channel, Kaspersky might display a dialog box that asks if the process can accept an audio stream (the following image displays an example of this). If you choose Block now, the error sequence in the preceding code snippet occurs.