- Understanding Event Tracking in Games
- Introduction to Analytics for Games
- Where is my Analytics Data from the 2nd of Feb
- SQL Data Explorer: Game Overrides
- Analytics GDPR, CCPA and PIPL Consent, Opt-Out and Opt-Back In [Unity Analytics 5.X.X
- How to unsubscribe from Unity Gaming Services (UGS)
- How do I cancel my Unity Cloud Content Delivery (CCD) subscription?
- CCD: Addressables SSL Error Android workarounds
- CCD: Production / Shared API Key
- CCD: Payments and credit card information
- CCD: Whitelist address for router/firewall
- CCD: permissions 404 or 403 redirect when attempting to access buckets
- Why is my lobby not showing up or disappearing from queries?
- What are the costs associated with using the Lobby service?
- Why doesn't my Lobby Update when users join and leave?
- How do I get started with Lobby?
- My lobby disappears when the host disconnects, how can I pass the host to a new lobby member?
- What is the difference between a public and private Lobby?
- How to disable and delete a Multiplay fleet
- Do I have to pay for the storage of my container images on the Multiplay Docker Registry?
- [Closed Beta] What are the Limitations of the Multiplay Log Aggregation System
- [Closed Beta] What should I use Multiplay Log Aggregation for?
- [Closed Beta] How to Enable Multiplay Log Aggregation
- Game Server Hosting - How do I assign a port for players to connect to my server?
- About Relay IPs, Ports and Firewall Considerations
- Troubleshooting 403 Errors When Working with Relay / Lobby
- How is the Relay Service Priced?
- Why am I getting a “Domain not specified” error when trying to authenticate for Relay?
- What's the difference between a Lobby and Relay join code?
- Synchronizing Data and GameObjects with Relay
- Vivox: How to control transmission of voice chat when connected to multiple channels
- Vivox: Why iOS system volume cannot be reduced to 0 when in channel?
- How to Migrate a Vivox Developer Portal Organization to the Unity Dashboard
- Vivox Developer Portal Deprecation FAQ
- Vivox: How to Use Vivox on Apple Silicon
- Vivox: Does Vivox offer Apple Silicon Support
Unity Gaming Services
Services to build your game and iterate as you grow. Including Analytics, Player Engagement, Cloud Content Delivery, Relay, Lobby and more.