
Use this form to submit an appeal request if you are a publisher whose account is locked. Before submitting this form, please familiarize yourself with Unity’s Monetization Services Terms of Service, Content Policy, Invalid Activity Policy, and Account Block FAQ page.

If you have additional information that could explain invalid activity on your mobile app(s) such as traffic logs, please include them in the Attachments section at the end of this form. Please follow all stated instructions while filling out this form and provide all requested information. Once Unity has reached a decision on your appeal, further appeals may not be considered.

请确认您选择的事件优先级。 “紧急”优先级指您的产品开发或者公司运作进入紧急运营状态,并且需要紧急支持服务。 如果您面临的是一个紧急突发事件,我们会动员一个紧急事件处理团队在两小时内同你们的管理人员进行联系。 如果您面临的不是一个需要紧急支持的突发事件,请选择“高”优先级。

欢迎来到 Unity 客户体验!我们随时协助处理有关许可证、在线订阅、ID 账号和 Asset Store 相关的非技术问题。

由于目前工单数量多,免费用户收到回复的时间可能会超过两个月。 如果您有付费的 Unity Success 计划,请确保您已登录账号以获取合同签署的服务级别协议(SLA)中的回复时效。若需及时的帮助,请查看我们的知识库或与知识库左下角的聊天机器人 UB-1 联系。

如果 UB-1 或知识库没有帮助,请在向客户体验团队提交请求时提供详细信息:

* 显示任何错误的截图。
* 您的 Unity ID 电子邮件地址。
* 订单/发票编号,或产品/资源名称。
* 详细的问题描述和采取的步骤。

请注意:客户体验团队无法协助解决有关技术的问题(例如,您的代码、项目问题或有关编辑器使用的问题)。 如果您没有付费的 Unity Success计划,请前往我们的论坛讨论网站寻求社区的帮助。

Unity Engine Support


Starter Success

You organization is currently at or above the limit of concurrent tickets included in your support service. You can still submit a ticket, but it will be held in a queue for activation once there is space available.
:团队生产下降。 可用的解决方法,但会带来很大的不便。
正常:错误消息。 烦恼。 解决方法合理。 使用说明和问题。
低:功能请求。 路线图问题。 文档改进或更正要求。
紧急:团队生产下降。 直播操作失败了。 即将发布里程碑。 没有解决方法。
:团队生产下降。 可用的解决方法,但会带来很大的不便。
正常:错误消息。 烦恼。 解决方法合理。 使用说明和问题。
低:功能请求。 路线图问题。 文档改进或更正要求。
请输入您的请求的详细信息,并尽可能详细。 我们通常需要的一些信息示例:
  • - 设备的操作系统、目标平台、硬件和固件。
  • - 这是一个错误吗? 在最新版本中测试? 包括下面的错误案例。
  • - 上传了最小复制项目 (*),包括重现问题的步骤。
  • - 之前完成的任何研究(例如:文档)或执行的测试。

(*) ZenDesk 的文件附件上限为 50 兆字节。 对于较大的文件,我们可以提供一个在线文件夹来上传文件。

Please use this form to submit a support ticket if you require assistance integrating or using Analytics, Authentication, Campaigns, Cloud Code, Cloud Save, Cloud Content Delivery, Economy, Player Engagement or Remote Config gaming services.
Use this form to submit a request to the Vivox support team. Here you may request help with implementation, make feature requests, report bugs, and more. Please include as much information as possible.
Use this form to submit a request to the Lobby support team. Here you may request help with implementation, make feature requests, report bugs, and more. Please include as much information as possible.
Use this form to submit a request to the Relay support team. Here you may request help with implementation, make feature requests, report bugs, and more. Please include as much information as possible.
If you have questions, please contact us at fraud-request@unity3d.com. In order for Unity to consider your request, you are required to create a copy of the Excel template found here, fill out the required information, and upload it in the Attachments section at the end of this form.
Use this form to submit a request to the Multiplay support team. Here you may request help with implementation, make feature requests, report bugs, and more. Please include as much information as possible.
Use this form to submit a request to the Matchmaker support team. Here you may request help with implementation, make feature requests, report bugs, and more. Please include as much information as possible.
Please use this form to submit a support ticket if you need help with our Relay or Lobby products.
Engine support => Is for paid enterprise support
Pro support => Is for paid support
Customer Service => Is for free / Non technical support
Please select the support service you require:

Please note, that during the Asset Manager beta period, support will be provided to all users to help improve the quality of the Cloud product. There will be no Service Level Agreements (SLA) in place for support during this period and whilst we will try to address all tickets, we cannot guarantee an answer to each and every submission.

At General Availability, technical support for Unity Cloud will end and be delivered as part of our paid success plans.


与我们讨论Unity Muse、Sentis、Cloud Dashboard、Asset Manager、Pixyz、Speedtree、Ziva, Parsec, SyncSketch等产品。我们专注于非技术支持。

