We need to generate a new SSH key to use with Unity Build Automation.
Multiple scenarios can lead to the previous SSH key issued by Build Automation needing to be changed, from a previous team member having used the key and no longer being a member of the team, to internal security reasons.
The SSH key cannot be changed or reset from the web-based interface on the Unity Dashboard, however, it can be reset via the Unity DevOps Build Automation Rest API. If you are already familiar with using the Rest API, skip ahead to the Regenerate SSH Key section.
Using the Rest API
In order to use the Rest API, you first need to enter your API key in the appropriately labeled field on the top left of the Rest API page as indicated in the image below:
This API key can be found on the Unity Dashboard under the Build Automation > Settings > General tab. Once the key is entered, you can skip to the next section.
Regenerate SSH Key
From the Rest API page, navigate to Orgs > Regenerate SSH Key (on the left-hand menu), or search for Regenerate SSH Key.
Enter your Org ID (numeric value, which can be obtained from the top level of the Dashboard under Projects > Organization settings) in the labeled field, as well as the SSH key type ("dsa", "ecdsa", "ed25519", or "rsa") and click Send Request to initiate the request and reset your SSH key. You should now be able to see the new SSH key on the Unity Dashboard in the Source Control Configuration tab for your project's Build configuration.
For more information on SSH key types, please refer to your source control provider's documentation for supported and recommended key types.
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