- I want to get pixels from a Texture.
- I do not want to set the Texture as "readable".
To use Texture2D.GetPixels, you need to select Read/Write Enabled on Texture Import Settings to enable access to the Texture data from scripts. Sometimes you need to get pixels from a Texture without setting the Texture as readable, similar to how the Unity Editor does it to get preview images from Textures.
You can use a RenderTexture to do that. Take a look at the following code:
"texture" is the texture you want to read which is not marked as readable in the import settings:
// Create a temporary RenderTexture of the same size as the texture RenderTexture tmp = RenderTexture.GetTemporary( texture.width, texture.height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.Default, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear); // Blit the pixels on texture to the RenderTexture Graphics.Blit(texture, tmp); // Backup the currently set RenderTexture RenderTexture previous =; // Set the current RenderTexture to the temporary one we created = tmp; // Create a new readable Texture2D to copy the pixels to it Texture2D myTexture2D = new Texture2D(texture.width, texture.height); // Copy the pixels from the RenderTexture to the new Texture myTexture2D.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, tmp.width, tmp.height), 0, 0); myTexture2D.Apply(); // Reset the active RenderTexture = previous; // Release the temporary RenderTexture RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(tmp); // "myTexture2D" now has the same pixels from "texture" and it's re
You can now get/set pixels from "myTexture2D".
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