- I need to set Animation Curve Interpolation via Scripting
You are trying to set animation curves by script and when interpolation is done you get the following result:
To solve this issue do the following two things:
- Call AnimationClip.EnsureQuaternionContinuity after you have manually set via script the Animation Curve properties.
- Save the assets with AssetDatabase.SaveAssets
Please see the example code below for guidance:
AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip ();
//If using Unity 5
clip.legacy = true;
// Rotation
AnimationCurve CurveRot = new AnimationCurve ();
AnimationCurve CurveRotY = new AnimationCurve ();
AnimationCurve CurveRotZ = new AnimationCurve ();
AnimationCurve CurveRotW = new AnimationCurve ();
float time = 0.5f;
//stepValues [0,1,0,10]
Quaternion angle = Quaternion.Euler (0, 0, stepValues[i] * 180.0f);
CurveRot.AddKey (time, angle.x);
CurveRotY.AddKey (time, angle.y);
CurveRotZ.AddKey (time, angle.z);
CurveRotW.AddKey (time, angle.w);
clip.SetCurve ("", typeof(Transform),"localRotation.z", CurveRot);
clip.SetCurve ("",typeof(Transform),"localRotation.y", CurveRotY);
clip.SetCurve ("",typeof(Transform),"localRotation.z", CurveRotZ);
clip.SetCurve ("",typeof(Transform),"localRotation.w", CurveRotW);
//This ensures a smooth interpolation
clip.EnsureQuaternionContinuity ();
String newCName = "Comp1_L_1";
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset (clip,ANIM_CLIP_PATH+newCName+".anim");
AssetDatabase.SaveAssets ();
More Information
This article applies to Unity versions 5.x