What is PCC (Peak Channel Connections)
PCC stands for Peak Channel Connections (also known as Concurrent channel connections in the Unity Dashboard). PCC refers to the highest number of end users who are simultaneously in the channel in the services for a supported title at any given moment during a monthly billing period.
- 1 PCC: 1 user that has been in 3 different channels, but never in more than 1 channel at the same time.
- 3 PCC: 3 users that have been in 3 different channels, but never in more than 1 channel at the same time.
- 3 PCC: 1 user in 3 different channels at the same time.
- 25 PCC: 5 users in a lobby channel, and 10 users in both match and team channels at the same time.
What is PCU (Peak Concurrent Users)
PCU stands for Peak Concurrent Users (also known as Concurrent logged in users in the Unity Dashboard). PCU refers to the highest number of end users who are simultaneously logged in to the services for a supported title at any given moment during a monthly billing period.
- 1 PCU: 1 user who is logged in, and they have been in 1 channel.
- 3 PCU: 3 users who are logged in, and they have been in 3 different channels.
- 5 PCU: 5 users who are logged in, but only 3 users have been in a channel.
- 20 PCU: 20 users who are logged in: 5 users are in no channel, 5 users are in a lobby channel, and 10 users are in both match and team channels at the same time.