In the Unity Editor, you might see the console throw an Exception that is similar to the following example:
AmbiguousMatchException: Ambiguous match found.
System.RuntimeType.GetMethodImplCommon (System.String name, System.Int32 genericParameterCount, System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindingAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Reflection.CallingConventions callConv, System.Type[] types, System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] modifiers) (at <316d36b1472c4d88ab1721a02433c966>:0) System.RuntimeType.GetMethodImpl (System.String name, System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindingAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Reflection.CallingConventions callConv, System.Type[] types, System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] modifiers) (at <316d36b1472c4d88ab1721a02433c966>:0) System.Type.GetMethod (System.String name, System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindingAttr) (at <316d36b1472c4d88ab1721a02433c966>:0) System.Type.GetMethod (System.String name) (at <316d36b1472c4d88ab1721a02433c966>:0)
GooglePlayServices.UnityCompat.GetUnity56AndAboveApplicationIdentifier (UnityEditor.BuildTarget buildTarget) (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/PlayServicesResolver/src/UnityCompat.cs:357)
This error can occur if you are using Unity Editor 2021.2 or later, and you are using either:
- A version of PlayServicesResolver that was provided in Mediation 0.1.1 or earlier
- A version of PlayServicesResolver that was provided outside of Mediation
To resolve this error, complete the following steps:
- Upgrade to the Unity Mediation SDK 0.2.0 or later, and then close your project.
- Delete the Assets/PlayServicesResolver folder in your project.
- Reopen your project, and you will be prompted to install a version of PlayServicesResolver that is provided with the Mediation package. Install this version of the PlayServicesResolver.
For more information, see the Unity Mediation documentation.