Unity Mediation
- Why do I get Error: Ambiguous Match Found (Non-Mediation PSR in use)?
- Why do I get a No Linked Project warning in the Unity Editor?
- Why is there a conflict using Unity Ads alongside Unity Mediation?
- Why is the Mediation Adapter Configuration screen unresponsive when installing/uninstalling adapters?
- Why do I get build error due to multiple Unity Ads versions?
- Why don't I get any fill from any of the ad networks? And/or why can't I load any ads?
- Why does my project build successfully but crash on start in a device?
- Why do I have dependency issues with ad networks due to incompatible adapter versions?
- Why do I get errors related to higher CocoaPods version being required?
- Why do I get errors related to Google Play Services Resolver?
- Why does my project build successfully for iOS, but doesn't build in Xcode?
- Why do I get errors when using a Gradle file with an old aaptOptions noCompress property?
- Why do I get errors using Unity 2019 and Gradle versions above 7.0?
- Why is Android Resolution not working with mainTemplate.gradle file?
- Why is Android resource linking failing?
- Why does my Android game build fail due to dex or dependencies?
- Why do I get multidex issues with Android 4.x builds?
- Why do I get Android Java exception at runtime?