The status code VxErrorMaxEtherChannelLimitReached (5049)
can occur in response to a channel join request. This happens when attempting to join a second positional channel at the same time the user is already connected to one.
Users can only be actively connected to one positional channel at a time. Note that disconnecting from a channel is not an immediate operation, and can take some time to complete. When switching between positional channels, use event notifications to ensure that the local user is completely disconnected from the first positional channel before they try to join another one.
In Vivox Unity 16.x, the IVivoxService.ChannelLeft event is raised when a channel disconnection has fully completed.
In Vivox Unity 15.x, the VivoxUnity.IChannelSession.ChannelState property changed notification is raised when a channel disconnection has fully completed.
In Vivox Unreal, the IChannelSession::EventChannelStateChanged event is raised when a channel disconnection has fully completed.
In Vivox Core, the vx_evt_session_removed SDK event message is received when a channel disconnection has fully completed.