If there are repeated problems processing your Unity Gaming Services invoices, it can lead to your Unity Organization being locked until payment issues are corrected and outstanding invoices paid.
If you find yourself in this situation, please follow these steps:
1. Navigate to https://payments.unity3d.com/login
N.B. You will need to Create a new account on the payments portal if you haven't previously used it. This is a different login system to your Unity Dashboard. If logging in with your Unity email and password fails proceed to step 2 else, skip ahead to step 4.
2. Click on the Create Account link at the top of the payments login page and be sure to use the same email address as you would to login as the Owner of your Unity Dashboard.
If you have multiple subscriptions, you will have multiple accounts (one for each subscription) and you may have a different email addressees. You can search for the email address under users.
3. Click on the 'Confirm my account' link in the email you receive from 'Invoice and Payment Portal Registration'.
Please note, that if you receive an error due to an 'Invalid Token' it likely means that your confirmation link has expired and you will need to go back through the Create Accout process in step 1.
4. You should now be able to login to the 'Invoice and Payment Portal' https://payments.unity3d.com/login
From here you will be able to register a new card, set your default card, delete old cards, view and pay any outstanding invoices.
5. Once you have paid any outstanding invoices, please contact UGS Support so we can get your organization unlocked.