- I have just started using Unity.
- I want to learn some of the basic skills to get me started.
For an in-depth guide on how to begin working with Unity, our Working in Unity manual is a helpful resource that provides an overview of how to get up and running and a general guide to the interface.
To access a wide range of tutorials and learning materials, Unity Learn is a great place to start advancing your skills.
If you need help with any of the tutorials on the Learn site, you can use our Learn Content & Certification discussions area. Find the tutorial you need help with and post your question. A community or responsible team member will do their best to help.
We also offer Unity Certifications with courseware materials to help new learners, which enables you to gain a competitive edge in the job market by demonstrating your mastery of core Unity skills.
Finally, Unity Discussions is a great resource for any Unity-related issues. Whether you have a question that needs a quick answer, or you're looking for information on new features, tutorials, or upcoming releases, Unity Discussions can help.
Unity's technical specialists also monitor Unity Discussions and do their best to answer user's questions. This way, the answers are accessible to more than one person and will hopefully help those with questions similar to yours.
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