- My project is too large to submit via the Bug Reporter. I want to find out if there a way I can simplify the upload
- I want to speed up the process of reporting my bug
You are experiencing a bug in Unity and want report this via the Bug Reporter. The Bug Reporter requests you attach a project to it, but your project is too large.
To produce a minimal sized project for upload you can create a minimal reproducible (repro) rather than upload your entire project. This will not only make for a faster upload and reproducibility of your issue, but as a bonus it can help you troubleshoot it yourself before submitting.
To create a minimal reproducible:
- Ensure that you have made a back up of your project.
Open your project in Unity and open the affected scene
Remove extraneous items from the scene - assets not required to see issue
- Right click on the scene file in project view and Export the scene as a package.
Create a new project entirely and name appropriately
Import your scene package into a new scene and make sure you fix and replace any missing scripts
Click Play or Build to test your issue is still applicable
Go to Help > Report a bug where the whole new minimal project will be attached
More Information
For more information on how to submit a Bug Report then see this article here
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