- I would like my assets to be properly managed.
- I want to organize my assets into categorized groups.
- I need my assets to have subcategories so I can easily locate them.
Adding labels to your Unity assets can help you better organize and categorize your project, making it easier to find and manage assets.
Please follow the steps below to add labels to your Unity assets:
1. Open your Unity Asset Store profile at In the top-right corner of the page, log in to your account by clicking on the "Sign In" button.
2. Once logged into your account, click on the "My Assets" option, which is represented by a folder icon in the menu options.]
3. By clicking on this link, you will be able to see a list of your acquired assets and an option with a crossbox "Add label".
4. Click on this button, and a pop-up window will appear, where you can add a label to the asset of your choice.
5. After entering your desired label, click on "Save". Your labels will be saved under the respective asset. You can confirm the label has been created by reviewing the list of labels on the right side of the page.
Adding labels to Unity assets in the Asset Store enhances their discoverability, making it easier for customers to locate and purchase them.