- I am using multiple license server subscriptions, such as Floating and Build Server licenses, and I have assigned them to my organization.
- I want my License Server to lease more than one of my organization’s subscriptions.
- During the setup process of my Licensing Server, I have multiple toolsets to choose a default from.
If an organization has more than one license server subscription, these licenses can be distributed by the same server.
The server will have a list of toolsets with unique licenseEntitlementGroupId values, which specify each license type assigned to the organization. To see all available product identifiers, go to the server admin status page and see the list under licenseEntitlementGroupId.
To request a specific license, you need to specify the value of the “toolset” in the services-config.json file on the client machine. If a client wants to request different licenses depending on availability, you can separate each license toolset with a comma. The first license type specified in the list will be prioritized in this case. For example:
"licensingServiceBaseUrl": "http://SERVER-IP-ADDRESS:PORT",
"enableEntitlementLicensing": true,
"enableFloatingApi": true,
"clientConnectTimeoutSec": 5,
"clientHandshakeTimeoutSec": 10,
“toolset”: "LicenseServer_12345678901234_2,LicenseServer_12345678901235_2"
If multiple licenses are available on the server and the client is not requesting any specific one, the default one will be served, as decided in the setup of the license server. However, if the default value is not set during the setup of the server, the first available license from the list available on the admin status page will be served.
More Information:
To see all available license toolsets, go to the server admin status page at http://SERVER-IP-ADDRESS:PORT/v1/admin/status and view the list under licenseEntitlementGroupId.
You can find services-config.json in the following directories on your client machine depending on its operating system:
- Windows: %PROGRAMDATA%\Unity\config\services-config.json
- macOS: /Library/Application Support/Unity/config/services-config.json
- Linux: /usr/share/unity3d/config/services-config.json