- I have received an email saying: ‘Your license for <server name> will expire. Log in to your Unity ID to regenerate a new license to continue using <subscription name>.’
- My subscription plan is annual, prepaid yearly, and I have automatic renewal enabled.
- My production clients can connect to the license server, but the license can’t be acquired.
- The web request http://<SERVER-IP-ADDRESS>:<PORT>/v1/status returns Status: Unhealthy.
The new license hasn’t been imported into the Floating License Server after the expiration date has been updated in the Unity ID Portal.
To import the renewed license into the Floating License Server, follow the steps below:
- Ensure the Expires field has been updated on the Unity ID Portal: Unity ID portal > Organizations > [Organization name] > License servers.
- Once the expiring date has been updated, click Download licenses.
- On the Server, import the new license using the following command:
Linux: ./Unity.Licensing.Server import <path-to-downloaded-archive>
Windows: .\Unity.Licensing.Server.exe import <path-to-downloaded-archive> - Restart the Service Unity.Licensing.Server.
- Test the Server using the following API call: http://<SERVER-IP-ADDRESS>:<PORT>/v1/admin/status
A positive output looks like this:"serverStatus": "Healthy",
"serverUpTime": "xx days x hours x minutes x seconds",
"serverUpTimeMs": xxxxxx,
"version": "x.x.x"
- On a Client, test its ability to acquire a valid license with the following CL commands:
Navigate to the Unity.licensing.Client installation path:
Windows: [Unity Editor Dir]\Data\Resources\Licensing\Client\Unity.Licensing.Client.exe
macOS: [Unity Editor Dir]/Contents/Frameworks/ /Unity.Licensing.Client
Linux: [Unity Editor Dir]/Data/Resources/Licensing/Client/Unity.Licensing.Client - Run the --acquire-floating command:
Windows: .\Unity.Licensing.Client.exe --acquire-floating
macOS: ./Unity.Licensing.Client --acquire-floating
Linux: ./Unity.Licensing.Client --acquire-floating
More Information:
If the server version is earlier than 1.10, expired delegation files can create a conflict. Please delete the old delegation files from the following directory:
- Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Unity\licenses\delegations
- Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Unity/licenses/delegations
If you do not see your license server on your Unity ID page, please email for further assistance.