Note Asset Store refund requests are currently experiencing severe delays and can take up to four months before being manually reviewed by an Asset Store specialist. Thank you in advance for your patience. |
- I have requested a refund on an asset, but it's marked as 'Pending'. Why?
- How long will it take for my Asset Store refund request to be approved?
You have submitted a refund request on the Order Details page via the Asset Store.
After submitting the refund request, it goes to Unity's Customer Experience queue for investigation. During the 'Pending' status period, your request is placed in a queue to be reviewed by an Asset Store specialist. Refund requests can take up to four months to be reviewed.
If you want to add more details to your request after submission, you can:
- Find the email sent to you in your email inbox with the subject line "Refund request for ASSET NAME - Invoice number [INVOICE NUMBER]" and reply to it.
- Go to the asset's Order Details page > Refund history. There, you can find the link to the Zendesk ticket created for you and reply to it.
If your refund request is pending, but you have not received an email, or there is no Zendesk ticket in the Refund history section of your account, please contact Customer Experience.