- I have submitted a package to the Asset Store and would like to know how long I have to wait for it to be approved.
- I am still waiting to hear back from the Asset Store team about my package submission.
- My package has been pending review for a while.
- I did not receive a confirmation email when I submitted my package for review. Is everything okay?
- Why is my package still pending?
Once a publisher has submitted a package to the Asset Store, this package is placed into a general vetting queue where all submissions from different publishers are. The Asset Store team reviews all assets in that queue. The submitted packages are vetted against the Asset Store Submission Guidelines.
New package submissions take significantly longer to review than updates. The current waiting times for package reviews are as follows:
(Updated November 2024)
- New submissions: Approximately ten business days.
- Updates: Approximately two business days.
This vetting process cannot be sped up, but ensuring all parts of your package are working and correct will allow your submission to be reviewed more quickly. Asset Store tools have a Validator, which is a feature that scans the package so you can see if any errors or warnings appear.
We try to review assets within the time frame noted in the email you get after submission, though the time can increase or decrease depending on the number of submissions we receive.
The process is much faster if you update a package, but you might still need to wait a couple of days. We ask that you include detailed submission comments when you submit your package.
You can check your Asset's place in the total work queue via the Publisher Portal, but this is only available for new Assets.
Note: The queue number is not updated in real-time. It gives an impression of where your asset is in the entire work queue. The number is updated once daily and reflects the number of assets before you in the total work as it is now. Bear in mind that your position in the queue will fluctuate. |
When your package is submitted for review, you will receive an automated confirmation email for your submission.
If you do not receive this automated email, or your place in the queue does not change according to the time frame mentioned in the confirmation email, please contact Customer Experience so we can check the status of your package.
When your package has been approved, its status will change to Published on your Publisher Portal, and it will be live on the Asset Store within approximately one hour.
Note: If you have unchecked the Auto-publish checkbox while submitting the asset, you will need to manually publish the package after it has been approved. To do this, go to the accepted package in your Publisher Portal and click Publish. |
If your package is not approved, the status of the package will change to Declined on your Publisher Portal. If this is the case, please update your package based on the comments emailed to you and resubmit the package.
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