- I am looking to create an Asset Store publisher account. How can I do this?
- I want to become an Asset Store publisher, where do I submit my assets?
If you are new to creating assets and are starting with Asset Store publishing, you will first need to create an Asset Store publisher account. Creating a publisher account will grant you the ability to submit your assets to the Asset Store for sale.
Before creating an Asset Store publisher account, it is important to carefully read the Asset Store Provider Agreement and the Asset Store Submission Guidelines.
To create an Asset Store publisher account, you must first have a valid Unity ID. If you do not have one already, you can create one by visiting this page: Create a Unity ID.
After your Unity ID has been set up and you have read and understood the terms of service, navigate to the Create New Asset Store Publisher page, to begin completing your publisher profile.
After all of the required fields have been completed, you will need to Accept the Terms of Service and click OK to finalize your profile creation.
When the Asset Store publisher profile has been created, a new Organization is added to your account. This Organization will share the same name as the one submitted when creating the profile but will include AS Publisher in the title to differentiate it from the other Organizations.
Additionally, you can only set up 1 AS Publisher Organization per Unity account. It is not possible to sell or distribute assets as multiple publishers on the store.
Please note: The AS Publisher Organization is used for publisher payout purposes only and cannot be used to make any purchases. |
To learn more about setting up your publisher payout details, see the knowledge base article, How to set up your Asset Store payout profile.
Note: In February 2021, the new Publisher Portal 2.0 Beta was launched, which we continue to regularly update. To learn more about the new beta version, see the blog announcement Asset Store Publisher Updates.
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